Poems from Ci Mone

More than your average 17 year old black girl I am your head strong black supremacist, your black revolutionary, your black rebel, ready to knock out the stereotypical forces that has bounded my people in slavery from past to present. Oh yea !! I like FOOD!!!
Because a Queen is not a Queen without her King.
A woe-man is nothing without man
woe - suffering
woe- affliction
woe- agony
woe- burden...
I pledge alligence to the Black Man.
The bearer of life and protector of life and provider of nourishment.
I Pledge alligence to your...
I burned the American Flag.
I burned the American Flag and I recorded it on video.
I thought I should add a little flame to...
Your demeanor fooled me.
Thug hood hard ass sending chills down my spine I despised you at first glance
Unknowingly judging your...